Wednesday, April 25, 2007

You better be funny

Wednesday, the 25th of April 2007

And then, she said, the other day, when the sky was any kind of smear that I hadn't looked at, because it was above the rise of the 3rd and 5th storeys, and the pall over the streets and dappled sunspots on the pavement were like the smear of a grimy eraser, and the premises behind the doors and the windows purposefully blank, not to take any account of the folded in people walking themselves in the way of the wasp, careful to not burn their fingerprints off on the element hot with life, she said, come and have a drink.
She ordered for us.
She said, it's always ok.
She said, what are you thinking about?
She said, what did you do yesterday?
She said, this drink warms you up from the inside.
She said, nothing stops, everything changes, you're good as you are, breathe.
She said, nobody knows anything.
She said, the universe is very good.
She said make your choices.
She said, a significant proprtion of women do not get married of their own free will.
She said, take that whichever way.
And her teeth flashed.
She asked, are you free to come to the house next weekend?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Wednesday, the 18th of April, 2007

The province of Typing, consisting, chiefly, of three main villages; Kra Ma, Spel Eung and Sintac, is auspiciously located on the lower bank of a tributary to the Convoluted Narrative, the river that winds its way through the plains of the country.
The decision making power is arranged in harmonious concert with the whole of the governing body, and is titularly held by the organisation of the Premise.
This is a democratic function, however, once installed, the figurehead of State is obliged to serve the duties and responsabilities of the post for life.
These acts and their protagonist are, from the date of their introduction, known simultaneously as the Recurring Motif.
The Recurring Motif may, or may not, be readily apparent, depending on what the Whole Point is.
The Whole Point is where we end up, and, even if we didn't grasp it at the outset, where it all starts from.
Which brings us to the Whole Point.
However, if there is none, the merits and achievements of the corpus vivendi are but simulacra which vacuousness is remedied by the cross-border intervention of Real Life.
Real Life is a humscrum Potentate with may emirs, none of whom make any claim to the equivalence of the status of the Premise.
It's chief value is in making you think things you had never thought before and in its constant manufacture of curious mirrors.