Saturday, May 06, 2006

they were together

Friday the 5th of May, 2006

They were on the sort of date where they tell each other irrefutable facts about life.
They may or may not forgo the movie.

They were on the sort of date where they view their daughter and approximate companionship through the glow of sharing an infant.

They were on the sort of date where neither dressed up, they both watch the tv shorts with interjected prolongversation and he forgets to eat so it's a slow hang and then she toucjes his eyebrow and indicates a line running across his forhead and he twitches his legs from his toes then they turn back to the tv, talking.

They are on the sort of date where they alternate who is buying the next snack and one goes to the bathroom for as long as it takes the other to answer their phone.

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