Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Herbert the foreign citizen who is an accountant recounts a tale

wednesday 24 november
It is a strange thing. Absolutely it is an unusual position, and one that I find unusual to be in. Were I still at home, the bandages would be giving me some personal and national, even, comfort, bandages applied over my lumbar region, my lower vertebrae manually investigated, infra red directed over my kidneys. It is not inconceivable that I would have broken the fast of my invalid nocturne with kidneys on fried bread, dense with iron, to the point now, to the point. Perhaps there is slight bruising, I doubt there is any discolouration at the top layers of dermis. I am tanned for that matter. I am not hurt and I don't think I will even mention it. I write to cause a point for reflection, and that which I reflect upon occupies my mind so that it might as well be a mental bruise. I mark the page in sympathy with the mark I feel is dissipating through my brain. Whichever will be the more permanent.
Yesterday, I was included in the digging of a hole, diameter 3 metres, central depth 1.42 m, circumference depth .66 m. This tuesday, was completely unlike any day previous, this activity foreign to my normal conduct and it was instead of my usual employment during the hours of 8 - 6 (when the sun descends and backlights the flight of ravens, which I observe from the carpark, in my work car, which is unpleasant to travel in until I have let the ac run for a period up to 10 minutes).
Perhaps you know that few places in the world experience civic systems of water and electricity delivery, perhaps you live in these places and are unaware that such organisation is notable for its minority position.
Kai is constructing a public baths. The plans and illustrations are displayed on the info board that stands in the driveway. Particularly, mosaic covers all the surfaces, and where it is clear as it were, there is cement and coconut wood slats with cement guttering underneath.

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