Thursday, May 19, 2005


Thursday, May 19th

I wonder if it's possible to train myself to process separate information transmitted in the same medium simultaneously. For instance, 2 novels, one printed, the other audio.
Taxi drivers here have satellite tv beside the central aircon, so I do not think think that this thought can be solely attributed to my mental hormones. Four lane highways, roundabouts, traffic lights, pedestrians, the river, over-passes, cellphones.

i keep meeting people who want to be my friend, quietly, consistently hesitant and expectant, were there a person born into maturity as of yesterday, this arrangement would be ideal, however i know my ignorance of the specifics of the lives of all those in contact with me and of all those whose lives and mine brush past each other, and my acknowledgement of them stays in the moment. if you assume, it is tantamount to resuming, ad infinitum, a boredom unclearly perceived. take the leap, trust yourself, make your choice in joy, in confidence.
i feel as though i am running on top of other people's excuses, because it is the only way i can be a part of this beautiful world, and negotiate my social capabilities, and respect a place in which to develop my faculties. Whereas, free of other people's awkward jigsaw placement, stuff would actually happen.
It's curious how there are some who find it easy to think that they are the centre of other people's lives, because they are a numerous minority. Perhaps it is a brain thing.

I am mad that someone emailed me a vague apology.
What is it?
I keep asking myself, and I can't ask them because it is a piece of stupidity to not encourage.
And in an etiquette instilled in my values, it is insulting. It's on a par with a vague invitation.
Is it ignorance, bad manners, self doubt/self complacency. Well mannered; do more, be more, care less.

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