Monday, October 11, 2004

electricity is untidy

tuesday 11 october

thing is i don't know what i think and yet everyone seems to constantly be asking for my opinion or is that my misapprehension and this is a social mechanism a way of connecting obliquely because otherwise we'd all be running backwards from each other and hiding behind buildings and excusing ourselves to go to the bathroom even though we're not needing to go and taking coffee breaks and texting in group situations.
now i know i don't have an opinion. sometimes i talk to find out what i might think and how i might think and how others react to what is said but an opinion is a technique. Conversational gambit. this is the first time i have used this word and i find it ugly. having an opinion is overrated.

When i was alive a few years ago, i wanted to write a book without using words. i know the story it occurs in the nexus of my mind that unformed thing aptitude potential forever time and the electron position.

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