Sunday, October 31, 2004

It might begin like this

sunday 31 october

The wind picked up. The concrete would set quickly over the evening. In two days the fence would stand and the house could be viewed from all angles. The sun would rise and set behind the boatsheds beyond the fence. The people would approach and recede against the strands of reinforced wire. It would be very pleasant to look out from a dawn kitchen and know that in the visible darkness something enclosed you. To know that in the visible darkness something as substantial as your own flesh, innocent and familiar, was doing as much nothing as ever. These things were good to know when you were a somnambulant pupae. Three holes remained, a flat residue of urea and earth over the workmen's efforts. Over all the efforts of all the people in the world that ever were.
One must put on contact lenses and go to the club. There had been no electricity for three weeks. Beef and pizza and much fish had been prepared and consumed at the waterfront in this time. If communism involved sundowners and collective barbeques in a meeting place of grainy stones and sticky tables as joie de vivre was known in that place, it hardly seemed plausible to be framed as a revolution, more acquiescence to common sense. If there is water I will be able to put on my contact lenses and be good looking. This was important for making things easier and understanding reasons. For many things, as you will see.

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